what we optimise for.
Ultimately each person at DP is here to deliver only one thing: Value.
How do you do that when you start without any prior knowledge, methodologies, or direct mentorship? You model what scientists have done since the mid-13th century thanks to Roger Bacon.
leverage the scientific method.
A process that allows anyone who wants to
achieve a certain outcome by working:
- Systematically for collective exhaustiveness
- In the least amount of time
- With just the right number of iterations
it all starts with asking the right questions.
As marketers, we are optimizing for our client’s ROI, so we have to think of the intersection of clients’:
- Data-driven business KPIs
- Intent-based customer attributes
- Tech-powered accuracy of the campaign
no matter what, revenue is the litmus test.
Regardless of how fancy your workflows are, how creative your copy was, or how contextualized your images were, the final deliverable of any campaign is marketing ROI.
That’s why we build mathematical, engagement, and data visualization models using tools such as:
- Excel, SQL and R
- Marketo and Salesforce
- Tableau, Zoho, and Domo
now is a good time to get started.
This may seem like a big mountain to climb. Mastery was never attained overnight. Blood, sweat, and tears are guaranteed to be part of the deal.
The question to ask yourself is not ‘’How hard will it be to learn the growth model?’ Instead, ask, ‘’How valuable do I want to be to the client, the team and the marketing industry?”
If the answer is ‘’mission critical’’, milk the value of this experience to become the best you can be.